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  1. Сунил (координатор группы Sapta Rishis Astrology) описывает свой опыт общения с традиционными потомственными астрологами из астрологических династий Индии. Текст привожу без перевода, на языке оригинала (загляните в спойлер) Great Predictions & Experiences Would request members present here to share their experiences with rare astrologers. Especially village astrologers or simple humble astrologers or non commercial astrologers (they can be professionals) impresses me most and i am sure its the same with you all. Here is one such experience of a native **** Greetings ____, There lived a brother-sister pair, who most probably were of Bengali origin. This couple lived in a house in Sonarpur, close to Godowlia, in the heart of Varanasi. This area is (was) generally populated by Bengalis. It was sometime in 1988, when I came to know about them through my classmates while I studied at BHU. It was curiosity that drew me. I recall that we had to go wait outside, where there will be many chairs and there was a small roof, and people of all classes waiting for reading. You will be called and the man asked you some very innocuous questions like name, age, etc. Since it has been some 27 years, I am telling you what I remember. The man observed your right hand with a small magnifying glass and that did not a long time. After that he asked us to go back to the seat. The man would then go upstairs at another end of the small house and there was a woman, the man's sister, to whom this man will say things in her ear. Some 15-20 minutes following that, they will call you and hand you a small thin sheet of paper with handwritten text, very closely written, in very pure hindi that sums up their assessment. Many of their observations have come out correctly. I will not elaborate them all here. There was a period of uncertainty following my birth, a sense of fear as it took a lot and some time had elapse to get the baby to cry. I was born in my mother's ancestral home. My grandfather had arranged for a doctor, which was a little non-traditional for those times. My grandmother had delivered and raised 11 healthy children and she was managing the affairs. Essentially, following a very difficult labor, the baby was born blue and not breathing. In the first sentence, I remember the phrase that there was `akshaya bhaya', when I was born. Essentially it means that there was a sense of unbounded/limitless fear at my birth. That is so spectacularly true! At that time, Besides, there were other predictions. I had absolutely no plans to leave India and it was unthinkable, considering my limited circumstances (studied with a bank loan) and background and had no stated interest in higher studies - I went on to complete Ph. D. All this was in their observation. There's more to this that can be expressed within the limits of written language smile emoticon Someday, when we talk I can share. Regards
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