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  1. Valeriy

    Набхаса йоги

    Сделал себе шпаргалочку. Может кому сгодится. (Из книги Эрнста Вильхельма "Core Yogas" там всё подробней с примерами) The 32 Nabhasa Yogas hold the key principles for holistically viewing the horoscope and are an essential first part of studying the nativity. Rarely will most of these Nabhasa Yogas be completely present, except for the seven Sankhya Yogas. The effects, however, will hold true for those Nabhasa Yogas that are most nearly formed. A great wealth of knowledge about the native will be lost if the Nabhasa Yogas are not appropriately considered. In order to fully benefit from the Nabhasa Yogas the following is recommended: 1. Consider whether the seven planets are predominately in moveable, fixed, or dual rasis. The native will take on the greater effects of the prevalent Asraya Yoga. 2. Then consider if there are greater amounts of benefics or malefics in the angles, not including Rahu and Ketu. The nativity will conform to the corresponding Dala Yoga. 3. Then consider the Sankhya Yoga present, there will always be a complete Sankhya yoga present. 4. Then see what Akriti Yogas are most closely formed, these will particularly influence the natives core makeup. An easy way to do this is to simply judge how many planets would have to be rearranged in order for the full conditions of the yoga to be present. The Akriti Yoga that requires the least rearranging will be the prevalent yoga. 1 Rajju “rope” Yoga: All planets in movable rasis. Musala “pestle” Yoga: All planets in fixed rasis. Nala “reed” Yoga: All planets in dual rasis. Mala “rosary” Yoga: The angles occupied by benefics. Sarpa “serpent” Yoga: The angles occupied by malefics. Gola “globe” Yoga: All planets in one rasi. Yuga “yoke” Yoga: All planets in two rasis. Sula “spike” Yoga: All planets in three rasis. 2 Kedara “field” Yoga: All planets in four rasis. Pasa “noose” Yoga: All planets in five rasis. Dama “wreath” Yoga: All planets in six rasis. Veena “lute” Yoga: All planets in seven rasis. Sringataka “mountain having three peaks” Yoga: All planets inthe lagna, 5th and 9th. Hala “plough” Yoga: All planets in the 2nd, 6th and 10th; in the 3rd,7th and 11 th; or in the 4th, 8th and 12th houses. Gada “mace” Yoga: All planets in two successive angles 3 Sakata “cart” Yoga: All planets in the lagna and 7th house. Vihaga “skygoer” Yoga: All planets in the 4th and 10th house. Kamala “lotus” Yoga: All planets in the 4 angles. Vapi “pond” Yoga: All planets in all the four panapharas (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11 th) or all in the four apoklimas (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th). Vajra “thunderbolt” Yoga: All benefics in the lagna and 7th house, and all malefics in 4th and 10th houses. Yava “barleycorn” Yoga: All malefics in the lagna and 7th house,and all benefics in 4th and 10th houses. Yupa “sacrificial pillar” Yoga: All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the lagna. Sara “arrow” Yoga: All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 4th house. 4 Shakti “power” Yoga: All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 7th house. Danda “rod” Yoga: All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 10th house. Nauka “boat” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the lagna. Kuta “peak” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 4th house. Chatra “parasol” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 7th house. Chapa “bow” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 10th house. Ardha Chandra “half Moon” Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from a panaphara or apoklima. Chakra “wheel” Yoga: All planets in six alternate rasis commencing from the lagna. Samudra “sea” Yoga: All planets in six alternate rasis commencing from the 2nd house. ну и пдф, чтоб распечатывать. йоги.pdf
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