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Из источников которые я приведу. получается что в самих ведах (шрути) и аюрведической литературе вино считалось приемлимым, а смрити запрещают, пураны как часть смрити также запрещают, но в Махабхаре и Рамаяне видно что вино разрешается и также в религиозных обрядах. (вот тут полный разбор по всем ведам по теме вина http://www.archive.org/stream/wineinancientind00boserich/wineinancientind00boserich_djvu.txt )

вот этой цитаты кажется по той ссылке нету
Чарака Самхита

Charaka Samhita is an important work on medicine....
. It is interesting to note that the Western science has discovered the value of wine only recently but Charaka Samhita already shows that it is aware of its good qualities. It mentions that wine is a product of various substances and possesses many qualities. It says that if a person drinks it in right time, in right manner, in right dose with some food then it acts like ambrosia in body. The Samhita does however recognise alcoholism as a morbid condition.

другой источник:
As Charaka-Samhita warned way back in 400 BC, “Wine is the foremost of all things that lead to cheerfulness. Abuse of wine is the foremost of all causes that lead to loss of intelligence and memory.”
вот цитата прямая (http://www.charaka.narod.ru/chapter-ch25.html)

Глава 25 Сутрастханы (фрагменты 36-40)

Среди веществ пища является важнейшим фактором, поддерживающим жизнь, а вода – тем, что обеспечивает жизнь. Вино – лучшее из средств, облегчающих усталость, молоко – лучшее из оживляющих веществ. Плоть животных делает тело грубым. Соль – то вещество, которое порождает желание есть, кислые вещества – лучшие из тех, что поддерживают сердце...

Подавление убеждений порождает болезнь, вино порождает возбуждение, неподходящие напитки разрушают разум и память.
Кунжутное масло – лучшее из растительных масел… …имбирь – лучшее из корней, виноград – лучший среди фруктов, сахар – лучший из всех продуктов, которые приготавливают из тростникового сахара. Так говорится о естественно полезных веществах.

Аюрведа различает 84 вида вин, из которых 26 производятся из выдержанного сока фруктов (Пхаласава). Самое известное фруктовое вино производится из винограда и сегодня и называется Дракшасава. (http://evergreencenter.ru/post/59290536672)
А вот от туда непроверенная цитата из Чарака Самхиты:  (не нашел подтверждения, в поисках подтверждения на неё нашел все остальное)

«Виноградное вино стимулиурет, питает, поддерживает отвагу и силу, изгоняет горе, усталость и страх. Вино становится нектаром, если употребляется правильным образом людьми, в которых доминирует Саттва»
Молодое вино очень тяжелое и выводит из равновесия все доши.Старое вино очищает каналы, является легким, возбуждает аппетит и дарит наслаждение». Чарака Самхита 1.27

а теперь какие то цитаты из ссылки первой где огромное исследование.

Риг Веда и ВиноOf all religious books of the Hindus the Vedas are the most respected and the most ancient. There are four Vedas, of which Rig- Veda is the chief. In the Rig- Veda we find mention of wine. Grog shops were in existence then. Wine or beer was stored up in leather vats for the use of the public (1. 191. 10). In the sacrifice called Sautramoni-yajna wine was drunk. But the chief intoxicating drink of those days was the Soma-juice. According to the Rig Veda the Golden-winged Hawk, brought Soma from the Heavens. (IX. 43-62) Soma-juice was the fermented milky juice of a creeper called Soma (Asclepias-acida or Sarcostemna viminale) a plant of the family of milk- weeds. It is described as having hanging boughs, bare of leaves along the stalks, of light, ruddy (or golden) colour with knotty joints, containing in a fibrous, cane-like outer rind, an abundance of milky acid and slightly astringent sap or juice. It is this Артха Веда и виноIn the Atharva-Veda we find in the after-life i. e. after death the devout are provided with seas of wine, butter, sugar, milk ete, (4-34-6.) 2. The Smrities. After the Vedas the Smrities come in importance. If there be any conflict of opinion on certain point between Shruti and Smriti, Shruti or the Veda is to be followed. Smrities are the codes of law on domestic, social religious duties of man. There are many Smrities but only some of them are important. Historians think "Gautama, Apastamba, and Vasistha belong to the rationalistic period, Manu to the Buddhist period. The remaining 16 works are probably also based on ancient Sutra works, but belong to the Pauranik period".* Of these too Manu, Yajnavalkya and Parasara are the greatest, and their injunctions are still carried out by the Hindus. In these we find wine is looked down upon, especially to the higher castes, it is totally forbidden. There were five most heinous crimes mentioned there, and drinking wine or spirituous liquor was one of them. (Sankhya). *R. C. Dutt Ancient India P. 657. WINE IN ANCIENT INDIA, 11 The penance for drinking wine was very severe, *'The wine drinker, should be made to drink that liquor boiling hot, until he was completely scalded. " <Manu XL 91.) The higher castes, willingly and knowingly taking wine, are to die by drinking boiling water, milk or butter, (Yajna) or molten silver, lead or copper. (Deval), And those unknowingly drink wine — **He must wear sack-cloth made from the hair of the cow, must not shave, take only rice or oil-cakes once in the night for one year. (Manu 11. 93.) He must abstain from any work or worship, and sustain himself with a small amount of food for one year. (Bishnu 51. I. 2.) '*The upper three castes must be initiated (in sacred thread) again, if un- knowingly drink wine. (Parasara 12). Gods do not accept offerings from a drunkard. (Artri 218.) The son should not repay his father's debts that are incurred in drinking. (Gautama 2). **A11 kinds of wine are forbidden to the twice borns." (Bishnu 22. 81). " Wine must not be drunk, given or accepted. " (Usana). /, " To mix with a. drunkarcl is a sin. " (Bishnu). It is stranger that the sages have made a nice distinction between Soma-juice and wine. Thus, if a Soma- drinker smells the mouth of wine-drinker^ he must do penance. (Bishnu). There are many such injunction in all the different Smrities, from these we find in what light drinking was taken ; not drinking alone but even for smelling liquor, touching the drunkard, penance had to be done I 
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