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Приинтереснейшая и зело - пользительная статья, в которой автор рассматривает методы аштакаварги - применительно к Бхригу Чакра Паддхати (прогрессия Бхригу), применительно к технике определения айурдайи в карте гороскопа...


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Sarvatobhadra Chakra and Astrological Predictions [ENG]

Скачать: http://narod.ru/disk...0FF%5D.pdf.html

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Мои приветствия тем, кто здесь обитает :)

Давненько просматриваю эту тему с книгами и пытаюсь изучать то, что здесь выложено

И вот недавно один человек сделал сервис для грабления книг с гугл-книжек - и подумал, что именно вам этот сервис будет крайне полезен

прошу не счесть за спам

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В Gauri Jatakam даны результаты Планет от Чандры

(с примерами личностей, у которых есть данное положение).

{Возможно в некоторых случаях поможет при ректификации <когда Чандра или Планета на границе>}.


2 статья

3 статья

4 статья

Gauri Jatakam 1 (результаты Сурйа от Чандры).pdf

Gauri Jatakam 2 (результаты Мангала от Чандры).pdf

Gauri Jatakam 3 (результаты Буддхи от Чандры).pdf

Gauri Jatakam 4 (результаты Гуру от Чандры).pdf

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Lomasha Samhita

Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur, has good knowledge of sanskrit and a well known name in the internet forums for his humbleness & kindness to teach each and everyone. He has been an ardent student of this science from decades with deep thoughts into various disciplines. He is the author of the book "Vedic Astrology Demystified", published by Parimal Publications Delhi ".

Chapter 9

Translated By

Chandrashekhar Sharma, India

‘A Mission Saptarishis Initiative’

विप्र उिाच

The Brahmin (Sujanma, the disciple of Lomasha and son of Sumati) said:

ऩयजातं कथं ऻेमं कथं ऻेमं शुबाशुबं। दशा कस्य कदा ऻेमं ग्रहाणां यावशनां परं॥१॥

दशा् कवतविधा् संवत ह्येतन्मे ब्रूवह तत्त्वत्। भहर्षे त्वं सभथॊऽवस कृऩमा करुणावनधे॥२॥

Oh! Great Sage! You are the ocean of Compassion, and are capable of telling me how many are the types of dashās, how to understand which dashās shall give results of grahas and rāshis at what time, how to understand if the jātaka is born of other’s seed and how to understand good and bad results for a jātaka (from the chart).


तूमं च नेवऺत् खेश(खेश्?) शत्रुवबिाा मुतेवऺत्। ऩयेण जामते फारो वनवितं च मथा ऩशु्॥३॥

If the 4th bhāva is not aspected by the lagna lord, Sun, or the 10th lord and is in aspect of its enemy,

the jātaka is born of other’s seed, as is an animal (born from someone other than father).

वत्रर्षष्ठविसुताधीशो मदा रग्ने वितस्तदा। तदावऩ ऩयजातस्याहृ(?)त्याद्यान्यसुतावदवब्॥४॥

Should lords of 3rd, 6th, 2nd or 5th are posited in the lagna in similar fashion (devoid of aspects etc. as above), even then the jātaka is born of seed of other than father, as are his siblings.

Chandrashekhar’s Comments: “Kha” means Sun, it also means zero. That is why I have translated it to mean Lagna lord, Sun or the 10th lord. This is in line with what is stated by Pārāshara when he says that Lagna lord in the 10th indicates happiness from father 24th ch.10th shloka. I personally think that in both the above combinations of graha one should not predict birth from seed of other than father, if the 4th bhāva or its lord is aspected by a natural benefic.

रग्ने क्रूयोऽस्तग् सौम्य कभाि् सूमानंदन्। अविन्योगे च मो जातो जामते िणासंकय्॥५॥

When the lagna is an odd lagna, Mercury occupies the 7th and Saturn is posited in the 10th,

the jātaka, of such yoga, is born out of parents belonging to different castes.

भूतो चेच्चैि दुविक्ये बूवभनंदनबागािौ। मदा ऩंचाशदािणे तदावऩ ऩयफारक्॥६॥

If Mars is in the lagna and Venus is in the 3rd bhāva, even if his birth is wrapped (by misinformation) five hundred times,

the jātaka is born of other’s loins.

ग्रहयाजविते रग्ने चतुथे वसंवहकासुत्। स्वदेियात्सुतोत्पविजााता तस्य न संशम्॥७॥

When Surya occupies the Lagna and Rāhu occupies the 4th bhāva, the jātaka is born

of devara (younger brother of husband that is the jātaka’s Uncle), of his mother, without any doubt.

रग्ने याहुधयाऩुत्रौ सप्तभे चंद्रबास्कयौ। नीचेन जामते फारो मदा याऻी बिेदवऩ॥८॥

When Rāhu and Mars are in Lagna and Moon and Sun occupy the 7th bhāva the child is of born

of a lowly person even if the mother is a Queen.

सूमामुक्तेन्दु रग्नि् सप्तबौभ बास्कयौ। अविन्योगे मदा जन्म ऩयेण जामते च स्॥९॥

When Sun and Moon occupy lagna or Mars and Sun occupy the 7th bhāva, the jātaka born in these yogas is born out of other’s loins.

Chandrashekhar”s Comment: Two of the available three manuscripts give the word “Bhaskarau” while the third says “saptamau prathamau navau” this would mean Sun and Moon in the lagna, 7th or 9th but why repeat lagna, that is already talked about in the first line? Though this also makes astrological sense, majority goes with the word “Bhaskarau” and hence accepted.

केंद्रशून्यो बिेद्योऽवऩ सोऽवऩ जात् ऩयेण वह। विर्षष्ठाष्टभवयष्फेर्षु ग्रहावस्तष्ठंवत मस्य स्॥१०॥

If grahas occupy 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th whereas the kendras are devoid of grahas, the person born is born of other’s loins.

ऩयजातो बिेत्सत्यभन्यत्रेष्ववऩ संविता्। एकिाने मदास्तेश रग्नेशौ सोऽवऩ जायज्॥११॥

When lord of the 7th and lagna occupy one bhāva, the jātaka is born of other’s loins. If they are in different bhāvas results are otherwise.

जीिो वनशाकयं रग्नं नेवऺतोऽवऩ स जायज्। जीििगाविहीनांगे तदा मोग् ऩयेणज्॥१२॥

When lagna navāMsha or lagna in other vargas, is other than that of Jupiter the jātaka is born

of other’s loins or should Jupiter not aspect Lagna or moon the jātaka is born of other’s loins.

विशत्रू चैककेंद्रिािन्यग्रहवििवजातौ। तदावऩ ऩयजात् स्यावियरग्ने विशेर्षत्॥१३॥

When two mutually enemy grahas occupy one Kendra, devoid of conjunction of other graha,

then too the jātaka is born of other’s loins.

This is especially so if the lagna be fixed lagna.

चतुथे दशभे रग्ने ऩाऩमुवविधुसंवित्। रग्नेशेनेवऺतं रग्नं तदावऩ ऩयफारक्॥१४॥

Should Chandra be posited in 4th, 10th or Lagna and conjunct a malefic,

Lagna being devoid of aspect of the Lagna lord then, too, one born in such a combination is born of other’s loins.

रग्नेशे संविते रग्ने ऩयजातं कदा च नं(न?)। बंगोऽमं सिामोगानावभवत ते कवथतं भमा॥१५॥

All these yogas that are told by me are totally destroyed, and the Jātaka is never an illegitimate born, if the lagna lord occupies lagna.

Chandrashekhar’s Special Comment: These yogas should not be taken literally.

As is clear from the above shloka any beneficial influence on the yoga-causing planets/bhāvas will render

the yoga for illegitimate birth void. This applies to other yogas that are based on bhāva lord occupying another bhāva.

रग्नेशे रग्नगे ऩुंस् सुदेह् स्वबुजाक्रभी। भनस्वी चावतचांचल्यो विबामॊ ऩयगाभी िा॥१६॥

When Lagnesha occupies the Lagna this makes the jātaka possessed of good body and valorous (the actual word means one who attacks enemy on the strength of his own arms). He is also very high minded, of an unsteady mind set or has two wives.

रग्नेशो वितीमे राबे स राबी ऩंवितो नय्। सुशीरो धभाविन्मानी फहूदायगुणैमुात्॥१७॥

Lagnesha occupying the 2nd or the 11th bhāva makes one learned and wealthy. He is possessed of good qualities, a great donor (to just causes), well-mannered, religious and proud.

रग्नेशे तृतीमे र्षष्ठे वसंहतुल्यऩयाक्रभी। सिासंऩद्युतो भानी विबमॊ भवतभान्सुखी॥१८॥

Lagnesha occupying the 3rd or the 6th bhāva makes one as valorous as a lion, possessed of all type of wealth.

He is proud, intelligent, happy, and has two wives.

रग्नेशे दशभे तूमे वऩतृभातृसुखावित्। फहुभ्रातृमुत् काभी गुणसौंदमासंमुत्॥१९॥

The Lagna lord, occupying the 10th or the 4th bhāva, results in the jātaka having many siblings, lusty,

possessed of beauty and good qualities and being one who enjoys happiness of father and mother.

रग्नेशे ऩंचभे भानी सुत सौख्यं च भध्यभं। प्रथभाऩत्यनाश् स्यात्क्रोधी याजप्रिेशक्॥२०॥

Lagna lord occupying the 5th house makes one proud, angry, loose first progeny,

have medium happiness from sons/progeny and informer of the king.

रग्नेशे सप्तभे मस्य बामाा तस्य न जीिवत। वियक्तो िा प्रिासी िा दवयद्रो िा नृऩोऽवऩ िा॥२१॥

One in whose chart the Lagna lord in 7th, his spouse does not live (long) and the jātaka becomes a pauper,

a traveler, a renunciate or a King.

रग्नेशे व्यमगे चाष्टे वसद्धविद्याविशायद्। द्युतीचौयो भहाक्रोधी ऩयनामाावतबोगकृत्॥२२॥

Lagna lord in the 12th bhāva or the 8th bhāva one becomes expert in certain occult sciences.

He is high tempered, a thief who threatens (sort of robber) and enjoys relations with other’s women (wives).

रग्नेशे निभे ऩुंसो बावमिान्जनिल्लब्। विष्णुबक्त् ऩटुिाावभी ऩुयदायधनैमुात्॥२३॥

Lagna lord occupying the 9th bhāva makes the jātaka a devotee of lord Vishnu, an expert orator,

possessed of (or ruler of) cities, good wife, wealth. He is very fortunate and popular amongst people.

2nd Lord In Various Houses

धनेशे धनगे ऩुंसो धनिानश्वसंमुत्। बामाािमस्त्रमिावऩ सुतहीन् प्रजामते॥२४॥

1 Except pauper, all other conditions satisfy the life and chart of Indira Gandhi who had Asc lord in 7H, but it does not mean all those who have the same combination will get the same result, that never is the intention of the Rishi’s statement, unfortunately most of us interpret it as the final truth. - SA

Lord of the 2nd occupying the 2nd house makes one possessed of wealth and vehicles (actually possession of horses is said here but this is modified in modern context). He is bereft of progeny though he may marry two or three wives.

धनेशे तृतीमे तूमे विक्रभी भवतभान्गुणी। ऩयदायावबगाभी च वनरॊबी देिबवक्तमुक्॥२५॥

Lord of the 2nd occupying the 3rd or the 4th bhāva indicates a person who is valorous, intelligent, of good qualities, devotee of god, one without longings of other’s possessions but one who has relations with other’s wives.2

धनेशे वयऩुगे शत्रो् धनं प्राप्तािवत ध्रुिं। शत्रुतो नाश वििस्य गुदे चोयो बिेद्रुज्॥२६॥

When the 2nd lord occupies the 6th house the jātaka can get wealth from his enemy.

Wealth of his enemy is stolen and he gets disease of the anus.

धनेशे सप्तभे िैद्य् ऩयजामावबगावभन्। जामा तस्य बिेिेश्मा भातावऩ व्यवबचावयणी॥२७॥

2nd lord occupying the 7th bhāva will make the jātaka a doctor, his wife will be a prostitute, and his mother shall be of loose character.

धनेशे भृत्युगेहिे बूवभं द्रव्यं रबेद्ध्रुिं। जामासौख्यं बिेदल्पं ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं न वह॥२८॥

When the lord of the second occupies the 8th bhāva one certainly gets wealth that is buried in the ground (buried treasures).

He has hardly any happiness from wife or elder brother.

धनेशे निभे राबे धनिानुद्यभी ऩटु्। फाल्ययोगी सुखी ऩिाद्यािद्यामु् सभाप्यते॥२९॥

Lord of the 2nd occupying the 9th or the 11th bhāva makes a jātaka sick when young and later happy till end of life.

He becomes wealthy, industrious and skillful.

धनेशे दशभे मस्य काभी भानी च ऩंवित्। फहुदायैधानैमुाक्ता् सुतहीनोऽवऩ जामते॥३०॥

2 This shloka completely works on some charts known to us. - SA

One in whose chart the 2nd lord occupies the 10th bhāva is lusty, proud and learned.

He is illustrious has many kind of wealth and (yet) is bereft of progeny.

धनेशे व्यमगे भानी साहसी धनिवजात्। जीविकानृऩगेहाच्च ज्येष्ठऩुत्रसुखं न वह॥३१॥

Lord of the 2nd occupying the 12th bhāva makes the jātaka bereft of wealth, proud, adventurous.

He earns his livelihood at the house of the king (in king’s service) and does not have happiness of elder son (his elder son dies early).

धनेशे च तनौ ऩुत्री स्वकुटुंफस्य कंटक्। धनिाविष्ठुय् काभी ऩयकामेर्षु तत्पय्॥३२॥

When lord of the 2nd bhāva occupies the Lagna bhāva, the jātaka is wealthy, cruel, lustful and ever ready to do other’s work.

He is inimical to his own family and daughter.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: “ऩुत्री स्वकुटुंफस्य कंटक्” could also be translated to mean “his own daughter is harmful to his family”.

However I do not think so.

3rd Lord In Various Houses

तृतीमेशस्तृतीमिो विक्रभी सुतसंमुत्। धनमुक्तो भहाह्रष्टो बुनवक्त सुखभद्भुतं॥३३॥

Lord of the third bhāva, occupying the 3rd bhāva makes the jātaka wealthy, very happy and he enjoys many pleasures.

He is valorous and is with (male) progeny.

तृतीमेशे सुखे कभे ऩंचभे िा सुखी सदा। अवतक्रूया बिेद्भामाा धनाढ्यो भवतभािवत॥३४॥

Lord of the third being in the 4th, 5th or the 10th bhāva makes the jātaka wealthy, of great intellect and his wife is very cruel.

He is always happy.

तृतीमेशे वयऩौ मस्य भ्राता शत्रु भहाधनी। भातुरानां सुखं न स्यान्मातुल्यो बोगवभच्छवत॥३५॥

One who has the lord of the 3rd bhāva in the 6th bhāva, his brother is his enemy and is very wealthy.

He is unhappy with his maternal uncle and desires to enjoy his uncle’s house.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: However “स्यान्मातुल्यो बोगवभच्छवत” could also be translated to mean

“but wants to establish physical relationship with wife of his maternal uncle”, since

“भातुल्य” means house of maternal uncle and “भातुरी” means wife of maternal uncle.

I leave it to the learned to interpret this in light of their, own understanding of principles of jyotish.

तृतीमेशे व्यमे बावमे स्त्रीवबबाावमोदमो बिेत्। वऩता तस्य भहाचौय् सुखेऽवऩ दु्खदवशात्॥३६॥

When lord of the third bhāva occupies the 9th or the 12th bhāva his father is a great thief and though he is happy he poses to be very unhappy. His fortune grows on account of his wife.

तृतीमेशेऽष्टभे द्युते याजिाये भृवतबािेत्। चौयो िा ऩयगाभी िा फाल्ये कष्टं वदने वदने॥३७॥

Lord of the 3rd occupying the 8th or the 7th bhāva indicates death penalty at hands of King.

He is either a thief or one who co-habits with other’s wives and His sorrow increases day by day in his childhood.

तृतीमेशे तनौ राबे स्वबुजावजातविििान्। सुखी कृशो भहाक्रोधी साहसी ऩयसेिक्॥३८॥

Lord of the third occupying the lagna or the 11th bhāva indicates one who is thin, happy, very angry, adventurous and serves others.

He earns wealth through his own efforts.

गुदाबंजवनक् िूर् ऩयबामााधने रुवच्। स्वल्पायंबी सुखी न स्यािृतीमेशे धने गते॥३९॥

Lord of the 3rd occupying the 2nd bhāva begins a work but does not finish it, is unhappy, bulky,

interested in wealth of other’s wives and has disease of anus3 (like fissures).

Chandrashekhar’s Comments: “गुदाबंजवनक्” is translated as having disease of the anus since the 3rd bhāva is 8th from the 8th

and shall aspect the 8th from 2nd bhāva. However it could also mean one who indulges in anal sex.

4th Lord in Various Houses

तूमेशे तूमेगे भंत्री बिेत्सिाजनावधऩ्। चतुय् शीरिान्मानी धनाढ्य् स्त्रीवप्रम् सुखी॥४०॥

3 This is the 2nd time in this chapter the Rishi is linking the 2H to diseases of the anus, whereas normally we consider 8H for anus.

Remember previous writings of ours where we have mentioned that 7H is the arudha of the 1H, where things come out.

2nd is the 7th from 8th. - SA

When lord of the 4th bhāva occupies the 4th bhāva, itself, the jātaka becomes minister (or adviser) to the king.

He is clever, of good character, proud, wealthy, loved by his wife and happy.

तूमेशे ऩंचभे बावमे सुखी सिाजनवप्रम्। विष्णुबवक्तयतो भानी स्वबुजावजातविििान्॥४१॥

One who has 4th Lord occupying the 5th or the 9th bhāva, in his chart, is devoted to Lord Vishnu, proud, wealthy through his own efforts, happy and liked by all.

सुखेशे शत्रुगेहिे तदा स्याद्बहुभातृक्। क्रोधी चोयो अनाचायी दुष्टवचिो भनस्व्यवऩ॥४२॥

4th lord occupying the 6th bhāva is angry, a thief, of questionable character, of cruel nature and high minded. He has more than one mother (has step mothers or is reared by someone who is not his mother as he loses his mother when quite young).

सुखेशे सप्तभे रग्ने फहुविद्यासभवित्। वऩत्रावजातधनस्त्यागी सबामां भूकिद्भिेत्॥४३॥

4th lord occupying the 7th bhāva or the Lagna makes one give up the wealth of his father, like a mute in assemblies and very learned.

सुखेशे व्यमयंध्रिे सुखहीनो बिेिय्। वऩतासौख्यं बिेदल्पं दीघाामुजाामते ध्रुिं॥४४॥

Lord of the 4th in the 12th or the 8th bhāva, makes one long lived but with very less happiness from father

(could also mean he loses his father when quite young) and unhappy.

सुखेशे कभागेहिे याजभान्यो बिेिय्। यसामणी भहाह्रष्टो बुनवक्त सुखभद्भुतं॥४५॥

When lord of the 4th occupies the 10th bhāva one is an alchemist, enjoyer of much happiness, and is very happy.

He is also respected by the king.

सुखेशे तृतीमे राबे वनत्ययोगी धनी बिेत्। उदायो गुणिान्दाता स्वबुजावजातविििान्॥४६॥

When the lord of the 4th bhāva occupies the 3rd or the 11th bhāva the jātaka is generous, having good qualities, a donor and earns wealth through his own efforts. He is wealthy but is always sick.

सिासंऩद्युतो भानी साहसी कुहकावित्। कुटुंफसंमुतो बोगी सुखेशे वितीमे गते॥४७॥

A jātaka in whose chart, lord of the 4th occupies the 2nd bhāva lives with his family, is enjoyer of life,

possessed of all types of wealth, proud, adventurous and is full of deception.

5th Lord in Various Houses

सुतेश् ऩंचभे मस्य तस्य ऩुत्रो न जीिवत। ऺवणक् क्रूयबार्षी च धावभाको भवतभान्भिेत्॥४८॥

When lord of the 5th occupies the 5th bhāva the jātaka is religious, intelligent but of harsh speech and cruel

सुतेशे र्षष्ठवयष्फिे ऩुत्र् शत्रुत्वभाप्नुमात्। भृत्सुतो ग्राह्यऩुत्रो िाऽधनऩुत्रोऽथिा बिेत्॥४९॥

5th lord occupying 6th or the 12th bhāva shall have enmity with his son, or his son shall die or he shall adopt a son or his son shall be destitute.

सुतेशे काभगे भानी सत्यधभासभवित्। तुंगमष्टी तनुस्वाभी बवक्तमुक्तैकतेजसा॥५०॥

5th lord occupying the 7th bhāva makes the jātaka proud and upholder of truth.

He is of tall stature and slim, is devoted to God and splendorous in appearance.

सुतेशे चामुवर्ष वििे फहुभैत्री न संशम्। उदयव्यावधसंमुक्तो (_?) तस्य क्रोधनावित्॥५१॥

When lord of the 5th occupies the 2nd bhāva or the 8th bhāva the jātaka is of high temper,

has stomach ailments and has many friends, without doubt.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: The edition from 851 of 1887-91 shows the words of second part to be “कासश्वासीसुखीनस्यात् क्रोधमुक्तोधनावित्॥”, meaning the jātaka is troubled by disease of cough and breathing, is happy, wealthy and of an angry nature.

सुतेशे निभे कभे ऩुत्रो बूऩसभो बिेत्। अथिा ग्रंथकताा च विख्यात् कुरदीऩक्॥५२॥

Lord of the 5th occupying the 9th or the 10th bhāva makes the jātaka’s son akin to a king or a great writer and

he is famous and is the pride of his family.

सुतेशे राबबािने ऩंवितो जनिल्लब्। ग्रंथकताा भहादऺो फहुऩुत्रो धनावित्॥५३॥

The 5th lord occupying the 11th bhāva makes the jātaka a writer, ever cautious, possessed of much wealth and many sons (progeny).

He is learned and much respected by public.

Chandrashekhar’s Comments: “जनिल्लब्” can also be translated as the supreme amongst men,

but the context suggests otherwise, and hence translated as above.

सुतेशे रग्नसहजे भामािी वऩशुनो भहान्। रोष्टोऽवऩ दििािैि कविद्द्रव्यस्य का कथा॥५४॥

When the lord of the 5th bhāva occupies the ascendant or the 3rd bhāva,

the jātaka shall not part with even a lump of soil, what to say of wealth. He is deceptive and a great backbiter.

सुतेशे वचयं भातासुखं बिेत्। रक्ष्मीमुक्त् सुफुधि ॥५५॥

When the lord of the 5th occupies 4th bhāva the jātaka is wise, a good adviser or a Preceptor and possessed of great wealth.

He has everlasting happiness from mother (his mother lives long).

6th Lord in Various Houses

र्षष्ठेशे वयऩुबाििे स्वऻावत् शत्रुिद्भिेत्। ऩयऻावतबािेवन्मत्रं बूभौ न चरवत ध्रुिं॥५६॥

Lord of the 6th occupying the 6th bhāva has friendship with other’ clans (families) whereas his own clan (family) is inimical to him.

He certainly does not walk on the land (has many vehicles).

र्षष्ठेशे सप्तभे राबे रग्ने िा मशिान्भिेत्। धनिान्गुणिान्मानी साहसी ऩुत्रिवजात्॥५७॥

Lord of the 6th occupying the Lagna the 7th or the 11th bhāva indicates a jātaka who is successful, wealthy,

possessed of good qualities, proud, valorous but bereft of progeny.

र्षष्ठेशेऽष्टभवयष्फिे योगी शत्रुभानीवर्षणां। ऩयजामावबगाभी च जीिवहंसासु तत्पय्॥५८॥

When the 6th lord occupies the 8th or the 12th bhāva the jātaka is ever ready to kill,

has relations with other’s wives, contract diseases and is an enemy of the learned

र्षष्ठेशे निभे मस्य काष्ठऩार्षाणविक्रमी। व्यिहाये क्ववचद्धावन् क्ववचिृवद्धबािेविर॥५८॥

One in whose chart the 6th lord occupies the 9th bhāva is a seller of timber and/or stones.

He will certainly sometimes make losses and sometimes profits in business (The business shall have ups and downs)

र्षष्ठेशे कभाविििे साहसी कुरविश्रुत्। ऩयदेशी शुवचिाक्ता स्वकभास्वैकवनवष्ठक्॥६०॥

6th lord occupying the 10th or the 2nd indicates that the Jātaka is adventurous, belongs to a famous lineage,

resides in other country (away from his place of birth) is committed to his work and is a brilliant speaker.

र्षष्ठेशे तृतीमे तूमे क्रोधेनायक्तरोचन्। भनस्वी वऩशुनो िेर्षी चरवचिोऽवतविििान्॥६१॥

With the 6th lord occupying the 3rd or the 4th bhāva the jātaka is a bit adamant, jealous, of wavering nature,

a betrayer or backbiter and his eyes appear red due to anger.

र्षष्ठेशे ऩंचभे मस्य चरवभत्रधनावदकं। दमामुक्त् सुखी सौम्य् स्वकामे चतुयो भहान्॥६२॥

A jātaka, whose chart has 6th lord in the 5th bhāva, is compassionate, happy, of soft nature and is expert in getting his own work done.

His wealth and friends are ever changing.

7th Lord in Various Houses

सप्तभेशे तनौ चास्ते ऩयजामासु रंऩट्। वनष्ठुयो विचक्ष्णोऽधीयो ॥६३॥

Lord of the 7th occupying the lagna or the 7th bhāva makes one cruel, extremely excitable and one who has windy disease of the heart.

He lusts after other’s wives.

जामेशे चाष्टभे र्षष्ठे सयोगां कावभनीं रबेत्। क्रोधमुक्ता बिेिावऩ न सुखं रबते क्ववचत्॥६४॥

Lord of the 7th occupying the 8th or the 6th bhāva indicates one who is full of anger or is bereft of happiness and has a sickly wife.

द्युनेशे निभे वििे नानास्त्रीवब् सभागभ्। आयंबी दीघासूत्री च स्त्रीर्षु वचिं वह केिरं॥६५॥

7th lord in the 9th or the 2nd bhāva makes a jātaka procrastinate, at the beginning of any matter;

he is always thinking about women and indulges in coitus with many women.

द्युनेशे दशभे तूमे तस्य जामा ऩवतव्रता। धभाात्मा सत्यसंमुक्त् केिरं िातयोगिान्॥६६॥

7th lord occupying the 10th or the 4th bhāva indicates a jātaka who is upholder of Dharma

(actually one who follows the righteous path) truthful but has windy disease. His wife is faithful to him.

द्युनेशे सहजे राबे भृतऩुत्र् प्रजामते। कदावचज्जीिवत कन्या मत्नात्पुत्रोऽवऩ जीिवत॥६७॥

Son of one, whose lord of the 7th occupies the 3rd or the 11th bhāva, gets aborted.

A daughter may however be alive and with enough efforts, the son could also live (long).

िादशे सप्तभेशे तु दवयद्र् कृऩणो भहान्। चौयं कन्या बिेद्भामाा िस्त्रजीिी च नीचधी्॥६८॥

7th lord occupying the 12th bhāva indicates one who is despicable, lives by trading in garments, a thief and whose daughter becomes

his wife (I think this means he marries one who is like his daughter or one who is very young). Such a jātaka is a pauper and very miserly.

सिागुणमुतो भानी बिेत्सिाजनावधऩ्। सदैि हर्षासंमुक्त् सप्तभेशे सुते विते॥६९॥

Should the 7th lord occupy the 5th bhāva the jātaka is always happy, has all good qualities, is proud and becomes Lord of all people (King).

8th Lord in Various Houses

द्युती चोयोऽन्यथािादी गुरुवनंदासुतत्पय्। अष्टभेशेऽष्टभिाने भामाऩययतो बिेत्॥७०॥

Lord of the 8th bhāva occupying the 8th bhāva makes a jātaka indulge in sorcery (or be a trickster).

He is robber, indulges in reviling his Guru and without any learning (or one who opposes others)

अष्टभेशे तऩिाने भहाऩाऩी च नावस्तक्। सुतघात्यथिा िंध्या ऩयबामााधने रुवच्॥७१॥

8th lord occupying the 9th bhāva indicates one who kills his son or is interested in wealth of a barren woman or other’s wives.

He is a great sinner and an atheist (non believer in existence of God).

अष्टभेशे सुखे कभे वऩशुनो फंधुिवजात्। भातावऩत्रोबािेन्मृत्यु् स्वप्नकारे न बीवतमुक्॥७२॥

Lord of the 8th occupying the 4th or the 10th bhāva who loses his mother and father (early).

He is not afraid even in dreams, is bereft of siblings and is treacherous.

अष्टभेशे सुते राबे कृते िृवद्धना जामते। द्रव्यं न िीमते गेहे वियफुवद्धबािेच्च न॥७३॥

Lord of the 8th occupying the 5th or the 11th bhāva has a wandering mind. His wealth is never stable and he does not prosper.

अष्टभेशे व्यमे र्षष्ठे वनत्ययोगी प्रजामते। जरसऩाावदकात्घातो बिेिस्य च शैशिे॥७४॥

When lord of the 8th bhāva occupies the 12th or the 6th bhāva the jātaka may have accident in water or be bitten by snake in his childhood. He is of a sickly constitution (always has some health issues).

अष्टभेशे तनौ काभे बामाािमं सभावदशेत्। विष्णुद्रोहयतो वनत्यं व्रणयोगी प्रजामते॥७५॥

When the 8th lord occupies the lagna or the 7th bhāva, the jātaka always indulges in speaking ill of Lord Vishnu

and has disease which gives ulcers or scars. He marries two wives.

अष्टभेशे धने फाहौ फरहीन् प्रजामते। धनं चास्य बिेच्चाल्पं गतवििं न रभ्यवत॥७६॥

Lord of the 8th occupying the 2nd or the 3rd bhāva makes one who has not much wealth and whose lost wealth is not recovered.

He is bereft of strength.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: One can also translate “फाहौ फरहीन् प्रजामते” this as one who has 8th lord in the 8th and has no strength

in his arms. However I have translated “फाहौ”, as third bhāva and not as arms.

9th Lord in Various Houses

धनधान्यमुतो वनत्यं गुणसौंदमासंमुत्। फहुभ्रातृसखीमुक्तो बावमेशे निभे विते॥७७॥

Should the lord of the 9th occupy the 9th bhāva, the jātaka, so born, has many siblings and female friends (could also mean mistresses),

is always possessed of wealth and grains. He is possessed of many good qualities and is possessed of beauty.

बावमेशे दशभे तूमे भंत्री सेनाऩवतबािेत्। ऩुण्मिान्यशिािावभी साहसी क्रोधिवजात्॥७८॥

Lord of the 9th occupying the 10th and the 4th bhāva is one who is virtuous, successful, a good orator, valorous and bereft of anger.

The jātaka becomes an adviser (minister) or commander in chief of army of the king.

बावमेशे ऩंचभे राबे बावमिान्जनिल्लब्। गुरुबवक्तयतो भानी धीयोदायगुणैमुात्॥७९॥

Lord of the 9th in the 5th or the 11th bhāva makes one devoted to his preceptor (Guru), proud, wise and generous.

He is fortunate and is liked by people.

बावमेशे भातुरे वयष्फे बावमहीनो बिेद्ध्रुिं। भातुरस्य सुखं न स्याज्ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं न वह॥८०॥

When 9th lord occupies the 6th or the 12th bhāva, the jātaka is certainly bereft of fortune.

He does not get happiness from his maternal uncle, neither from his elder brother4 (or he may lose them early in life).

बावमेशे च भदे कल्पे गुणिान्यशिान्भिेत्। कदावचि बिेवत्सवद्धमािामं कतुावभच्छवत॥८१॥

Lord of the 9th occupying the 7th or the lagna may sometimes not be able to complete the work that he desires to carry out.

He is possessed of many good qualities and is successful.

बावमेशे सहजे वििे सदा बावमानुवचंतक्। धनिान्गुणिान्काभी ऩंवितो जनिल्लब्॥८२॥

Lord of the 9th occupying the 3rd or the 2nd bhāva is wealthy, of good qualities, lusty, learned and liked by people.

He is always able to divine what is in future.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: I have translated “बावमानुवचंतक्” as one who divines the future.

However it could also be translated as one who dwells upon his own fortune, but context suggests otherwise.

10th Lord in Various Houses

दशभेशे सुखे कभे ऻानिावन्संहविक्रभी। गुरुदेिाचानयतो धभाात्मा सत्यसंमुत्॥८३॥

10th lord occupying the 4th or the 10th bhāva makes a jātaka devoted to Guru and God.

He is upholder of dharma and truthful. He is learned and valorous like a lion.

4 Note the Rishi is talking about the 9L and result of elder brother. - SA

दशभेशे सुते राबे धनिान्पुत्रिान्भिेत्। सिादा हर्षासंमुक्त् सत्यिादी सुखी नय्॥८४॥

10th lord occupying the 5th or the 11th bhāva makes one always happy, speaker of truth and delightful. He is possessed of wealth and sons.

कभेशेऽवयव्यमे यंध्रे शत्रुवब् ऩीवित् सदा। चातुमागुणसंऩि् कदावचि सुखी बिेत्॥८५॥

Lord of the 10th occupying 6th, 8th or the 12th bhāva makes a jātaka possessed of good qualities, clever and sometimes unhappy.

He is always troubled by his enemies.

दशभावधऩतौ रग्ने कवितागुणसंमुत्। फाल्ये योगी सुखी ऩिादथािृवद्धवदिने वदने॥८६॥

When lord of the 10th occupies the Lagna the jātaka is sickly in childhood but later on his happiness and wealth increases day by day.

He knows the art of poetry (is a poet).

धने भदे च सहजे कभेशो मवद संवित्। भनस्वी गुणिािावभी सत्यधभासभवित्॥८७॥

When lord of the 10th is situated in the 2nd, 7th or 3rd bhāva, the jātaka is intelligent, possessed of good qualities,

an orator and upholder of truth.

11th Lord in Various Houses

बावमेशे (राबेशे ?) संविते राबे स िावभी जामते ध्रुिं। ऩांवित्यं कविता चैि िधाते च वदने वदने॥८८॥

When the 9th lord (I think this should be 11th lord) is posited in the 11th bhāva the jātaka is certainly

a good orator and his scholarship and genius increases by the day.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: So far the order of the shlokas has been in order of house lordship.

Now the writer goes back to the 9th bhāva, so this could be a subsequent addition to the original manuscript.

My personal opinion is the writer is talking about the 11th lord and by mistake the word “बावमेशे” was written instead of “राबेशे”,

as the position of bhāva lords begin with their being posited in own house, so far and the later shloka also supports my argument.

The learned may like to decide about this on the light of their, own, logic.

प्रावप्तिानावधऩे वयष्फे म्लेच्छसंसगाकायक्। कaभुको फहुकांति ऺवणको रंऩट् सदा॥८९॥

Lord of the 11th occupying the 12th bhāva makes one lustful, has many wives, opportunist and always a libertine.

He has contacts with those of other religion.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: “म्लेच्छ” could also mean a barbarian or wicked person.

राबेशे संविते रग्ने धनिान्सावत्वको भहान्। सभष्ष्टो भहािक्ता कौतुकी च बिेत्सदा॥९०॥

Lord of the 11th occupying the Lagna bhāva makes one wealthy, of good qualities (truthful etc.).

He is a great orator, is inquisitive and considers all being as equals.

राबेशे वितीमे ऩुत्रे नानासुखसभवित्। ऩुत्रिान्धावभाकिैि सिावसवद्धप्रदामक्॥९१॥

Lord of the 11th in 2nd or the 5th house makes one possessed of all king of happiness.

He is possessed of sons, is religious and ever successful

राबेशे सहजे तूमे तीथेर्षु तत्पयो बिेत्। कुशरं सिाकामेर्षु केिरं गरयोगिान्॥९२॥

Lord of the 11th occupying the 3rd or the 4th bhāva is ever ready to visit holy places5.

He is expert in many occupations, but has disease of the throat.

राबेशे र्षष्ठबिने नानायोगसभवित्। सिं सुखं बिेिस्य प्रिासी ऩयसेिक्॥९३॥

Lord of the 11th occupying the 6th bhāva makes one affected by many diseases, though he has happiness

in all other area of life and is a traveler and one who serves others.

राबेशे सप्तभे यंध्रे बामाा तस्य रुजाविता। उदायो धनिान्काभी भूखयो बिवत ध्रुिं॥९४॥

When the 11th lord occupies the 7th or the 8th bhāva, his wife is sickly and he is generous, wealthy,

lusty, and is certainly a harsh speaker.

राबेशे गगने धभे याजमुज्यधनावधऩ्। चतुय् सत्यिादी च वनजधभासभवित्॥९५॥

5 Very interesting shloka, 11L in 3H or 4H, ever ready to visit holy places. - SA

Lord of the 11th occupying the 9th or the 10th bhāva is clever, truthful, follower of own dharma and is

connected to the ruler of a kingdom and wealthy.

Chandrashekahr’s Comment: “याजमुज्यधनावधऩ्” can also mean that he earns wealth by working for a king or government work.

12th Lord in Various Houses

व्यमेशेऽवयव्यमे ऩाऩी भाताभृत्युविवचंतक्। क्रोधी संतानदु्खी च ऩयजामासु रंऩट्॥९६॥

Lord of the 12th occupying the 6th or the 12th bhāva is ever angry, worried for progeny and lusts after other’s wives.

He is a sinner and always wishes for death of his mother.

व्यमेशे भदने रग्ने जामासौख्यं बिेि वह। दुफार् कपयोगी च धनविद्यावििवजात्॥९७॥

When the lord of the 12th bhāva occupies the lagna or the 7th bhāva, the jātaka is a weakling, has diseases related to the “Kapha” humour (phlegm/mucous) and is bereft of learning. He also does not get happiness of wife (may remain unmarried or may not get on well with his wife).

व्यमेशे वितीमे यंध्रे विष्णुबवक्तसभवित्। धावभाक् वप्रमिादी च सिागुणसभवित्॥९८॥

A jātaka whose 12th lord occupies the 2nd or the 8th bhāva is ever devoted to Lord Vishnu,

is religious, possessed of all good qualities and a pleasant (or learned) speaker.

भ्रातृिेर्षी वप्रमािेर्षी गुरुिेर्षी बिेिय्। व्यमेशे सहजे धभे स्वशयीयस्य ऩोर्षक्॥९९॥

When the lord of the 12th occupies the 3rd or the 9th bhāva, the jātaka is careful of his own health

but is jealous of his own brother, wife (husband) and Guru (preceptor)

व्यमेशे दशभे राबे ऩुत्रसौख्यं बिेि वह। भवणभावणक्यभुक्तावबधानं वकंवचत्सभारबेत्॥१००॥

12th lord occupying the 10th or the 11th bhāva indicates that the jātaka will sometimes get wealth like Jewels, Rubies and pearls.

He shall not have happiness of son (may not get progeny).

इवत ते कवथतं विप्र बािानां च परापरं। फराफरवििेकेन सिेर्षां परभावदशेत्॥१०१॥

In this manner have I narrated to you Oh Brahmin the good and bad results of all bhavas.

Predict about the results, after considering the strength and weakness of all the bhavas, and by using your sense of proportion.

िक्री चेत्स्वचतुथास्य परं बौभो ददावत वह। फुधस्तूमास्य देिेज्य् ऩंचभस्य च बागाि्॥१०२॥

Mars gives (own) results when placed in 2nd or 4th bhāva, if in retrograde motion.

Mercury gives results in the 4th, Jupiter in the 5th, Venus in the 7th, if in retrograde motion.

सप्तभस्य तभध्वंवसऩुत्रस्तु निभस्य च। वििस्य विर्षुित्यके ददावत स्वपरं विधु्॥१०३॥

Saturn gives results when in the 9th bhāva and retrograde and Moon gives results in 2nd while

Sun gives his results when equinoctial position (when Sun in Aries or Libra).

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: These appear to be the exceptions that are being talked about, in the light of the axiom that Mars

does not give results in 2nd, Mercury in the 4th, Jupiter in 5th and so on.

ग्रहऩूणाफरे प्राप्ते परं ऩूणं सभावदशेत्। अधेऽधं ऩादहीनेन तवन्मतं ऩादभंविणां॥१०४॥

When the grahas have full strength, full results are to be indicated, when they are with half strength the results

are only half of that indicated and if they are only a quarter of their strength the results should be told accordingly.

बािानां िादशानां च सिेर्षां परभावदशेत्। बाििानां ग्रहाणां च परं ते कवथतं भमा॥१०५॥

I have told the results of grahas in occupation of bhavas and all results be indicated after taking into consideration all the twelve bhavas.

अत् ऩयं प्रिक्ष्यावभ दशाबेदान्यनेकश्। विंशोियी (१२०) दशा चाद्या दशा तु र्षोिशोियी (११६)॥१०६॥

Now I shall tell about the many different dashās.

The first amongst dashās is Vimshottari and then there is the ShoDashottari dashā.

िादशोिवयका (११२) ऻेमा तथैिाष्टोियी (१०८) दशा। ऩंचोियी (१०५) दशा तित्दशा शतसभा् (१००) िृता्॥१०७॥

Know that there are also the Dwaadashottari and the one known as the Ashtottari.

Similarly remember other dashās as the Panchottari and the Shatasamaa dashās.

दशा वह चतुयाशीवत (८४) सभा चाथ विसप्तवत् (७२)। तथा र्षवष्ठसभा (६०) प्रोक्ता दशा र्षववंशवत (2६) सभा॥१०८॥

(Then are the dashas known as) CaturaashIti, equal to similar number of years (84) and Dwisaptati of 72 years.

Similarly the dashās known as SaSThisamā and SaDaviMshatI dashās are spoken of.

खेटक्रभा दशा यावशक्रभा बागक्रभा तथा। निांशनिदशा याश्मांशक दशास्तत्॥१०९॥

There are dashās that are based on order of grahas, on the basis of rāshis and those based on the order of navāMsha.

Similarly there are the navanavāMshaka dasha and the raashyaMshaka dashās.

दशा कारावबधा चक्रदशा प्रोक्ता भुनीश्वयै्।

The sages have also told Kala dashā and Chakra dashās.

विंशोिवय विधा प्रोक्ताष्टोियी च विधा भता॥११०॥

There are thought to be two types of Vimshottari dashā and two types of Ashtottari dashās.

चक्राख्या विविधा ऻेमा काराख्या वत्रविधा िृता। दशा िाविंशवत् प्रोक्ता तासां िै कथमाम्यहं॥१११।

There are also said to be two types of chakra and three types of Kala dashā. I shall now tell of the 22 types of dashās that are told (by sages).

आनमनप्रकायं च शृर्षुष्व विजऩुंगि।

Oh great Brahmin, now listen to the method of calculating the dashās.


The nakshatras should be counted from Krittikā to the nakshatra of name (birth nakshatra) and Ardrā to nakshatra of name.

शैिािृष्णेऽकाहोयामां चंद्रहोयागते वसते। दहनात्स्वऺाऩमंतं गणमेििवबहायेत्॥११३॥

सूमेँदुकुजस्वबाानुिाक्पवतभंदचंद्रजा्। केतुशुक्रौ क्रभाच्छेर्षं विऻेमात्र दशावधऩा्॥११४॥

Know that if the birth is in the dark fortnight and in the horā of Sun or when birth is in bright fortnight and horā of Moon, count from Krittikā nakshatra to birth nakshatra and divide the number obtained by 9.

The balance so obtained indicates lords of the dasha in order of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rāhu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.

Chandrashekhar's Comment: I think the correct word is “सैर्षािृष्णेऽकाहोयामां” and not “शैिािृष्णेऽकाहोयामां”. Obviously if the birth is in dark fortnight and Chandra hora, or bright fortnight and Sun’s hora, the count is from Ardrā nakshatra to the Janma- nakshatra.

यसा (६) शा (१०) भुवन (७) धृत्यष्टा् (१८)मवत (१५) धृवत (१९)ित्सया्।

सप्तेंदि् (१७) नगा (७) व्योभिाहन् (२०) बास्कयादम्॥११५॥

The dashās of Sun etc are of 6, 10, 7, 18, 15, 19, 17, 7 and 20 years respectively.

एक् ऩचमत् रुद्रात् धृत्यंतं ित्सया् क्रभात्। यविबोभो गुरुभंद् केतुिंद्रो फुधोशना्॥११६॥

अष्टौ दशावधऩा् प्रोक्ता् याहुहीना् निग्रहा्। ऩुष्यबाज्जन्मबं मािद्गणमेिसुवबहायेत्॥११७॥

Add 1-1 till 18 to 11 to obtain years of dashās from Sun (11), Mars (12), Jupiter (13), Saturn (14), Ketu (15), Moon (16), Mercury (17),

and Venus (18). Nine grahas, excluding Rāhu, provide the 8 dasha lords.

Count the nakshatra at birth from Pushya nakshatra and divide the result by 8.

The balance shall indicate the dasha (at birth) from Sun onwards (for Shodashottari).

सूमाहोयागते शुक्ले चंद्रस्य कृष्णऩऺके। तदा नृणां पराथााम विवचंत्या र्षोिशोियी॥११८॥

For understanding the results for jātaka born in a bright fortnight and horā

of Sun or in a dark fortnight and horā of Moon, analyze the Shodashottari dasha.

सूमॊ गुरु् वशवख् ऻोऽगु् कुजो भंद् वनशाकय्। शुक्रहीना दशा ह्येर्षा विचमात्सप्तभात्सभा्॥११९॥

जन्मबात्पौष्णऩमंतं गणमेदष्टवबबाजेत्। निभांशे मदा जात् शुक्रस्य िादशोियी (११२)॥१२०॥

दशा वनगवदता नृणां शेर्षकं ऩवयवचंतमेत्।

For persons, other than those born in conditions already told and born in navāMsha of Venus, Dwādashottari dasha should be thought of.

One should count from Revati nakshatra to the birth nakshatra and divide the number by 8. The balance shall indicate dasha at birth in the order of Sun, Jupiter, Ketu, Mercury, Rāhu, Mars, Saturn and Moon. This dasha does not have dasha ruled by Venus.

The years of the dasha are obtained by adding 2 to 7, progressively beginning from Sun.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment:

Dwadashottari dasha grants 7 years to Sun, 9 to Jupiter, 11 to Ketu, 13 to Mercury, 15 to Rāhu, 17 to Mars 19 to Saturn and 21 years to Moon.

अथाष्टोिवयकां िक्ष्ये शृणुष्व विजऩुंगि॥१२१॥

Listen oh great Brahmin, I shall tell about Ashtottari dashā.

सूमािंद्र् कुज् सौम्य् शवनजॉिस्तभो बृगु्। एते दशावधऩा् प्रोक्ता विकेतुि निग्रहा्॥१२२॥

यसा् (६) ऩंचेंदिो (१५) नागा् (८) शैरचंद्र् (१७) नबेंदि् (१०)।

गोब्ा् (१९) सूमाा् (१२) कुनेत्राि (२१) सभा् प्रद्योतनादम्॥१२३॥

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Rāhu and Shukra are lords of the dashās. Out of the 9 grahas,

Ketu does not have lordship of any dashā (here). The years of dashās, beginning from Sun are 6, 15, 8, 17, 10, 19, 12 and 21 respectively.

रग्नेशािेंद्रकोणियाहोराग्ने वितं विना। दशाष्टोिवयका वचंत्या नान्यत्रे तभवस विते॥१२४॥

The Ashtottari should be thought of when Rāhu occupies kendras or trikona barring the Lagna.

It should not be thought of when Rāhu occupies other houses (otherwise it shall mislead).

अष्टोियी विधा प्रोक्ता वशिावदकृविकावदत्। विते शैिात्सग्रहे तु विग्रहे कृविकावदत्॥१२५॥

The Ashtottrati dashā is of two types, When Lagna is occupied by a graha one should count (till birth nakshatra)

from Ardrā nakshatra and should the Lagna be devoid of graha count from Krittikā nakshatra.

चतुष्कं वत्रतमं तिाच्चतुष्कं वत्रतमं ऩुन्। माित्स्वजन्मबं तािद्गणमेच्च मथाक्रभात्॥१२६॥

Begin from Ardrā or Krittikā (as applicable in light of above shloka). Should the nakshatra at birth be within 4 nakshatra, from Ardrā or Krittikā Sun is dashā lord, if within next 3 nakshatra Moon is the lord, for the next 4 nakshatra Mars is the lord of dashā, for the next 3 it is Mercury and for the next 4 nakshatra it is Saturn who lords the dasha. For the next 3 nakshatras Jupiter is the lord of dashā and for the next 4 it is Rāhu while for the balance 4 nakshatra Venus is treated as the lord of dashā at birth.

खेचयाणां च सप्तानां िर्षाावण ऩंचबूभम्। मातो विनानुयाधावद विऻेमं जन्मबािवध॥१२७॥

गणमेत्सप्तवबबाक्ते शेर्षे कल्प्ा् दशा् शुबा्। यविऻोऽकासुतो बौभ् बागािो यजनीकय्॥१२८॥

िाचस्पवति* ककांगे तस्यैि िादशांशके। ऩंचोियशता वचंत्या नान्यत्रेऽथ शताविका॥१२९॥

The seven planets have a total of 105 years of dashā (Thus the name Panchottari). When a jātaka is born in Cancer lagna and Cancer DwādashāMsha, one should analyze the chart on the basis of Panchottari dashā, otherwise Shatābdikā dashā be used.

Count from Anurādha to the birth nakshatra and divide this number by 7, the balance shall indicate the dashās of seven grahas, excluding Rāhu and Ketu, in the order of Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Moon and Jupiter.

The dashās of these grahas, from are to be to be drawn by adding 1 to 7 years, progressively.

अथ शताविकादशा :

Now the Shatābdikā dashā (is being told),

यवििंद्रो बृगुिांवद्र जीिो विश्वंबयात्मज्। दैिाकवय् क्रभादेते फाणा् फाणा् वदशो वदश्॥१३०॥

नखा् नखा् खयाभाि िर्षाावण वदनऩादम्। िगॊिभगते रग्ने दशा वचंत्या शताविका॥१३१॥

ऩौष्णाज्जन्मऺाऩमंतं गणमेत्सप्तवबहायेत्। शेर्षांको यवितो ऻेमा दशा् शतसभाविमं॥१३२॥

When the lagna is vargottama one should analyze Shatābdikā dashā. Count from Revati nakshatra to the birth nakshatra and divide the number so obtained by 7. Count the balance from Sun in the dashā order of Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.

Their respective dashās are of 5, 5, 10, 10, 20, 20 and 30 years.

यवििंद्र् कुज् सौम्यो जीिशुक्रौ शवनिय्। तभध्वजौ विना सिे ग्रहा िादशहामना्॥१३३॥

ऩिनाज्जन्मबं माित् सप्ततष्टे दशा बिेत्। चतुयाशीवतका वचंत्या कभेशे कभासंविते॥१३४॥

When the 10th lord occupies the 10th bhāva one should analyze on the basis of ChaturashIti (running for 84 years) dashā. Count from Swāti nakshatra to the birth nakshatra and divide this number by 7. The balance indicates dashā (operating at birth) from Sun onwards. The dashā operate in the order of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, that is all the grahas excluding Rāhu and Ketu and runs for 12 years each.

रग्नेशे सप्तभे मत्र रग्ने िै भदनावधऩे। वचंतनीमा दशा तत्र द्व्यवधकासप्तवत (७२) सभा॥१३५॥

नििर्षाावण सिेर्षां ग्रहाणां िै विकेतुनां। भूराज्जन्मऺाऩमंतं गणमेदष्टवबहायेत्॥१३६॥

शेर्षे दशा विवचंत्याथ िक्ष्येऽहं र्षवष्ठहामनी।

When the Lagna lord occupies 7th bhāva and 7th lord occupies the Lagna in such a case think of Dwyādhikā-Saptati (72 year) dashā.

All graha excluding Ketu have dasha running for 9 years each.

Count from Mula nakshatra to the birth nakshatra and divide the number, so obtained by 8.

The balance shall indicate the (Dwyādhikā-Saptati) dashā running at birth beginning from Sun in the order of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rāhu.

Now I shall talk about Shashthihāyani (Literally 60 years) dashā now.

गुिाकाबूसुतानां च िर्षाावण वदवितावन च॥१३७॥

तत् शवशऻशुक्राकाऩुत्रागूनां सभाि र्षट्। दास्रात्त्रमं चतुष्कं च त्रमं िेदं ऩुन् ऩुन्॥१३८॥

मदाकॊ रग्नयाशीश् वचंत्या र्षवष्ठसभा तदा।

When Sun is the lord of Lagna think of Shashthisamā (Shashthihāyani) dasha.

The dashās of Guru, Sun and Mars operate for 10 years each while those of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu operate for 6 years each (in this order). Beginning from Ashwini 4 and 3 nakshatra alternately, in the same order indicate operation of this dashā.

Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Other classics talk of Sun being merely placed in the lagna as the condition for referring

to Shashthihāyani dashā, as against his having to be the lord of lagna (and perhaps being placed anywhere) by sage Lomasha.

श्रिणाज्जन्मबं मािद्गणमेदष्टवबबाजेत्॥१३९॥

शशांकाकासुयेज्यायऻाकाजोशनयाहि्। एक् ऩचमतिैकािार्षााण्मेर्षां क्रभात्स्मृता्॥१४०॥

वदिसे सूमाहोयामां वचंत्या िै र्षड्गुणविका। यात्रौ चंद्रस्य होयामां नान्यत्रैर्ष विवचंतमेत्॥१४१॥

For a birth, in Sun’s horā and day time or Moon’s horā at night none other than ShaDaguNabdikā dashā (also called ShaTatriMshatikā), be thought of. Count from Shravana nakshatra to the birth nakshatra and divide this by 8 to get the dashā operating at birth in order of Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rāhu.

सूमेन्दुबूवभजवनशाधीशऩुत्रसुयेज्यका्। बृगुभंदागुवशवखन् रग्निावच्चंवतता दशा॥१४२॥

दशैतेर्षां सभाद्या् स्यु् स्पष्टा याश्मादमि मे। खेटक्रभा दशा वचंत्या मदा रग्नेशव्यिवित्॥१४३॥

The dashā period is equivalent to Rāshis (the number of rāshi) in the order of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rāhu and Ketu, when they occupy the Lagna. The dashā shall be proportionate to the degrees of the rāshis, for which it is being drawn.

The dasha shall begin from that of the graha occupying the Lagna.

क्ववचद्ग्रहस्तदानो च न वच्ा फहुर्षुफारात्।

If a graha (in lagna) is combust, then the first dashā shall begin from the one who is the strongest amongst all grahas.

अथ यावशक्रभािक्ष्ये शृर्षुष्व विजऩुंगि॥१४४॥

Listen, Oh great Brahmin, now I shall tell the Order of rāshis.

ग्रहे याश्मावदके चाल्पे दशा तस्यावदभा बिेत्। ततस्तदावधकस्यैिं तुल्ये नैसवगाकाद्बरात्॥१४५॥

The first dasha begins from the Rāshi tenanted by the graha having least degrees. These are followed by the dashās of grahas having more degrees and these are followed by dasha of grahas having even more degrees and so on. Should grahas have identical amshas then the dashā of graha that is stronger, by nature (Nisargabala), shall operate.

याशीशात्सप्तभेंऽगेशे वचंत्या यावशक्रभा दशा।

When the lord of Lagna occupies the rashi in 7th from the lord of depositor of Moon one should consider the Rashi-krama dashā.

मविििांशकिेऽके दशा तस्यावदभा भता॥१४६॥

In my opinion, the dashā of navāMsha rāshi that is occupied by Sun shall yield the first dashā.

अग्रेऽग्रेऽब्ादम् खेटा् केत्वंता् संविता् क्रभात्। दशाभानं प्रिक्ष्यावभ मथोक्तं ब्रह्मणा ऩुया॥१४७॥

Then operate the other grahas’ dashās, in the order ending with Ketu. I shall now tell the period of dashās as told by Brahmā in ancient time.

वरवप्तकृत्वा ग्रहं व्योभखावश्ववबबाावजतै् परं। ऩुन् सूमैहृाते शेर्षं सभाद्यंशकका दशा॥१४८॥

Convert the degrees etc. of grahas to kalās (Minutes) and divide the same with 200.

Divide the resultant with 12 to get the balance which shall indicate the years of span of dashā (of that graha)

सिेर्षां भानिानां च दशािेर्षा विवचंतमेत्।

This dashā be considered for all human beings

तिावदबािा् संस्पृष्टा् प्रोक्तभागेण चानमेत्॥१४९॥

Calculate the degrees etc of Lagna and other bhāvas in the way already told (elsewhere).

रग्नेश् संवितो मत्र दशा तस्यावदभा िृता। वितीमेशावदतिाग्रे ऻेमा याश्मंशका दशा॥१५०॥

वचंत्या रग्ने फरिती रग्नेशे िा फराविते॥१५१॥

Find out which amongst Lagna and Lagna lord is stronger.

The dashā of its NavāMsha lord shall be the first dashā.

This shall be followed by the navāMsha rāshi dasha of lord of 2nd, 3rd and so on.

संध्या ऩंचघटी प्रोक्ता वदन र्षष्ठ्यंश नाविका। सूमावफंफाद्धात् ऩूिे ऩयस्तादुदमादवऩ॥१५२॥

A day is of 60 Ghatis (nādika of 24 minutes each) and the Sandhyā time is 5 ghatis before rise of half disc to Sun and 5 ghatis after it rises. Similarly another Sandhyā period is 5 ghatis prior to Sun set and 5 ghatis after Sun set.

एिं संध्यािमं वत्वंशात् घवटकावब् प्रकीवताता्।

वदनस्य विंशत् घवटका ऩूणासंऻा उदाहृता्॥१५३॥

Thus the two Sandhyās together are known to be of 20 ghati period. Thus the period of 20 ghatis is called Purna.

वनशामा भुवधसंऻा च घवटका विंशवति मा। सूमॊदमस्य मा संध्या खंिाख्या दशनाविका॥१५४॥

The Sandhyas of night are called Mugdha and it is also of 2o Ghatis.

The Sandhyā at the time of Sunrise is of 10 ghati and is known as Khanda Sandhyā.

अस्तकारस्य मा संध्या सुधाख्या दशनाविका। ऩूणाभुवधे गतघटी र्षड्गुणे निधा वरखेत्॥१५५॥

The Sandhyā at the time of Sun set is also of 10 Ghatis and is called Sudha Sandhyā. For one born in the Purna, or Mughdha, Sandhyā multiply the ghatis past in the Sandhyās by 6 and place the same at 9 places.

तथा खंिसुधासूमैहाते तु निधा वरखेत्। विबक्तानीविममुगै् भानाख्यावन परावन च॥१५६॥

Similarly should the birth be in the Khanda or the Sudhā Sandhyā, multiply their ghatis past by 12 and keep the result in 9 places.

Divide both (the results of the Purna/Mugdha and of Khanda/Sudhā) by 45.

क्रभात्सूमाावदकानां िै भानान्युक्ता भुनीश्वयै्। स्वस्वभानं स्वसंख्यावबगुावणतं स्यु् सभादम्॥१५७॥

Multiplying the result (as indicated above) by the numbers of Sun etc. (1, 2, 3 etc.)

shall give the dashās of the respective grahas, say the Sages.

याशीश्वयाद्दशा ऻेमा सूमाादीनां क्रभात्पुन्। वदिायावत्रस्तथा संध्या वत्रकारे वत्रविधा दशा॥१५८॥

There are three types of dashās of the lords of Rāshis from Sun onwards in that order, based on the three periods ( of birth) of Day,

Night and Sandhyās.

चक्राख्याथ दशां च िक्ष्ये सुभवतनंदन। रग्निस्य दशा चादौ ततो वििवितादम्॥१५९॥

Now I shall tell of the Chakra dashā, Oh son of Sumati (Sujanma).

The first dashā is that of the planet occupying lagna and then operates the dashā of planet occupying the 2nd bhāva and so on.

वित्र्यादमो मदैकिास्तदा बागादमोऽवधकात्। तत्रावऩ तुल्ये नैसगााद्बरात्पूिेऽवधकास्य च॥१६०॥

When two or three planets occupy the same bhāva then for that bhāva the dashā of the graha in highest degree shall be the first to operate and then those of the grahas in lesser degrees. Should the amshas of two or three planets be identical then dasha of the planet that is stronger, in Nisarga bala, shall operate first and so on.

यावशप्रवभतिर्षाावण बागाद्यािानुऩातत्। बािानाभवऩ रग्नाच्च िर्षाावण वदववभतावन च॥१६१॥

The bhāva dashā begins from the lord of lagna in regular order and dashā period is of 10 years for each bhāva dashā.

The dashā period at birth is to be taken in years in proportion to the degrees rising in the Lagna (rāshi).

बुक्ता दशानुऩातािा विऻेमा स्वस्वकल्पनात्। अंतदाशावऩ सुवधमा सूक्ष्मादेशाम वचंतमेत्॥१६२॥

The period of dashā enjoyed at birth should be calculated proportionately.

Similarly for more precise results one should calculate the antardashās too.

दशा दशाहता कामाा दशािेन विबावजता। रधं ं िर्षाावदकं ऻेमं ऩाकं ऩाकेऽवऩ ऩूिाित्॥१६३॥

Multiply the years of dasha or the Lord of the Mahadashā by the years of dashā of the planet whose antardashā is to be calculated.

Divide the product by 10 to get the number of months of antardashā of that planet in the Mahadashā of the dasha lord.

फराफरवििेकेन परं ऻेमं दशासु च। विऩयीतं परं िाच्यं खेटे िक्रगतौ सदा॥१६४॥

Understand the results of dashās on the basis of the planets strength and weakness.

The results of retrograde planets are always reverse of those given by planets in regular motion.

आवदष्ष्के विते खेटे दशायंबे परं िदेत्। दशा भध्ये परं िाच्यं भध्ये द्रेष्काणके विते॥१६५॥

अंते परं तृतीमिे व्यस्तं खेटे च िवक्रवण।

The results of planets in the first dreshkāna are received at the beginning of their dashā, those in the second dreshkāna give their results at the middle of the dashā while the planets in 3rd dreshkāna as also retrograde planets give their results at the end of the dashā.

इवत ते कवथतं विप्र दशाबेदान्यनेकश्॥१६६॥

Thus have I told Oh Brahmin, the difference in various dashās.

मिै किै न दातव्यं ऻानभेतत्सुदुराबं। अत् ऩयं ऩृच्छवस वकं तिदस्व विजर्षाब॥१६७॥

This knowledge is difficult to obtain and do not impart this to anyone even if the near ones ask for it, Oh the great amongst Brāhmin.

॥इवत श्रीरोभशसंवहतामां र्षवष्ठसाहस्र्ां प्रथभोत्थाने रोभशसुजन्माविप्रसंिादे बािपरं दशाबेदकथनो नाभ निभोऽध्याम्॥९॥

||Thus ends the ninth chapter titled “Results of the Houses and the Kinds of Dashas”

in the conversation between Lomasha and Sujanma in the first part of Lomasha Samhita of sixty thousand verses.||

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