First time in Russia! In the spring-summer of 2023 in Moscow: Pt. Visti Larsen and Pt. Branka Larsen, the closest students of Pt. Sanjay Ratha will hold a two-day seminar “Gati, the direction of life“.

Visti Larsen
Pt. Visti Larsen, one of the closest students of Pt. Sanjay Ratha, the author of numerous seminars, known for his ability to clearly and intelligibly present the knowledge of Jyotish Parampara.

Branka Larsen
Pt. Branka Larsen, wife of Visti Larsen, student of Pt. Sanjay Ratha, author of the translation of Jataka-Parijat and many articles of The Jyotish Digest magazine.
Gati, the direction of life
This will include how to see one’s place in Samsara, or if one belongs in Samsara. Furthermore, we will cover “marriage or not” and “career or not”.
Day 1:
10:00-12:00 – Visti Larsen – Samsaraphala, the fruit of Samsara.
How to decide the fruits of Samsara. Who is the Samsaraguru vs. Sanyasaguru and who is guiding you? How to settle perfectly in Samsara with remedies and be happy, from the teachings of Mahapuruṣa Āchyutānanda Das.
12:00-13:30 – Lunch break
13:30-15:00 – Vivahaphala, Marriage or not
Should you marry or not, and can you stay married? Who will have a family and who will not?
15:30-17:00 – Branka Larsen – Karmaphala, Career or not
Should you work, and what is the right career for you? Is your career your focus is it only paying the bills?
Day 2:
Whole day Gaunapada and direction of life.
Your feet take you every day to your destination, and where you go affects your nature. Are your guṇa allowing you to achieve your purpose, and what is that purpose?
10:00 – 12:00 – Visti Larsen
12:00 – 13:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – 17:00 – Visti Larsen
Please fill the form of the seminar to inform us about your desire to visit the event, as there are very limited number of seats. It will also help us to organize it in the best way and gift you the most positive memories and emotions. The seminar will be held in a comfortable hotel with a conference room, a vegetarian coffee break and lunch are included..